Tuesday, August 24, 2010

3 things

1st.. We've moved!

I'll post pictures just as soon as there are pictures to post. We moved in most everything on Friday. I love our new place!
Three days until our home is officially "ours".

Time to get domestic?!

We've also moved blogger addresses. I don't know when I'll finish it up or even post, but come follow us.

2nd.. I love my sisters! Thank you Amy, Bri, Michelle, Kelly, Becca, & Lisa for putting on THE BEST bridal shower ever put on last saturday :) Seriously, the delicious food, fabulous decorations, awesome games, & excellent music we're just the beginning. You ladies went above and beyond and put so much time and work into the event. I feel so blessed to have you all in my life. Thanks for everything. Your examples and friendships mean the world to me. Love you all!

Michelle post pictures.... & quick!

3rd.. I went to the temple tonight. What a great evening!

Oh and I am getting married in... you guessed it, three days. I'm so excited to be a wife.
I love you Travis!

See you all soon. Get ready to get your "purple" on.

spreading the word.

So I was catching up with all the family blogs & came across this post on my lovely sister in-law Bri's blog. I did some clicking & found Laurel's blog.

She has a new book coming out. -- " He Loves Us and We Love Him: You've Memorized it, Now Live It."

If Bri says so, I say so. I can't wait to read it.

You can "pre-order" at Deseret Book online.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ode to Travis

I sometimes cannot believe I lived 20 years without this guy in my life.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


two weeks, today.
i will have a husband.
and i will be a wife
to my favorite person

august 28th.
don't miss it.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Happy Weekend♥

Our wedding day is 41 days away. woot!
sometimes it feels like an eternity, but i also know it will be here before we know it.

We went to Mesa Falls Friday evening with Burke & Rachelle Kunz.
It was fun.. to be a "couple," & hang with a "couple."

School is almost out for the spring semester. yes!
I'm eager to move back to Idaho Falls, & needless to say.. Get married!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

p.s. i love this

Even after all this time
the sun never says to the earth, "you owe me."
Look what happens with a love like that.
It lights the whole sky.


Monday, July 12, 2010

One Year Older

It's my birthday. The day I was born 20 years ago. And instead of anticipating gifts. I am nostalgic. Because for the first time, I look at my short 20 years and I feel old. By no means do I measure up to my grandmother's gentleness, my grandfather's humor, my fathers intelligence, and my mother's wisdom, but I feel experienced.

My charmed life has sometimes offered disappointment, grief, confusion, and loneliness. But I now embrace it. I love that the good and the bad have made me into this too-outspoken, too-passionate, too-eager 20 year old I see reflected in the computer screen. I can be proud of my accomplishments, because there were many. And they were great. And I do not need to worry about what I will become, because I don't know yet. But I will be great.

That's the best part. I will look at this my 30th, 40th, and 100th birthday and laugh at my young, assuming self, Because I really don't know what I think I do. I haven't seen the most elated happiness and I haven't experienced rock bottom. And I can't wait, because I get to keep creating myself, giving myself the gifts of accomplishment, failure, and life.


I love you Travis David Standley!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

50 days!

but, who's counting?
YES! Of course we're counting ツ
trav & jewels

Monday, July 5, 2010

I ♥ America

"He makes me melt like a popsicle on the fourth of July" THE LITTLE RASCALS

Angie & her favorite (soon to be) sister in-law.

Lisa & Angie (Travis's sister)

Happy Birthday America!


Saturday, June 19, 2010


Each year that passes,
I'm even more glad,
More grateful and proud
just to call you my dad!

Thank you, Dad...
for listening and caring,
for giving and sharing,
but, especially,
for just being you!

I'll always love my daddy.

Happy Father's Day!

julie bird

Friday, June 18, 2010

hello, friday

{Countdown: 71 days!}

Friday, what took you so long! Any fun plans this weekend?
The sunshine is finally making her debut,
& I'm loving it. I am hoping for a sunny days ahead.

Trav & I are going Rodeo-"ing" tonight and heading
to Idaho Falls on Saturday and Sunday for some relaxing down time with family
over Fathers day weekend.

I have lots to look forward too
this summer
{Mrs. Julie Carol Standley on August 28th @ 1:30 pm in the Idaho Falls Temple}

& Next week
On Monday, haircut and color. Yes! :)

Thursday thru Sunday Va-cay at Bear Lake with the Stewart bunch.
I'm sooo excited for raspberry shakes
& the freezing cold lake!

♥ jewels

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Where I am

I sit now wrapped in a blanket, typing to the drip-drop of drizzles on my window, occasionally glancing up to admire my mountains veiled in mist. And I envision...

I walk stone-faced down congested 6th Avenue blending into the crowd in my black trench and oversized sunglasses. I am an elegant sophisticate, writing impressive journalism for a major city paper. On drizzly Saturdays the ink of the same paper, held above my head, will drip-drop at my side as I run from my small, cotemporary loft to the waiting taxi. Abstractly wandering the Met in an oversized grey sweater allows me to escape close to home. I will sit on a bench, preferably accompanied by a friend, for hours, in silence. Simply because it's lovely.

I scrape drying jam from the counter as my knight in shining armor dashes out the door, barely stopping for his briefcase, a kiss, and a harried look. I almost see the brilliant orange of Alpine autumn before the door slams again. Little ones gallop about, dotting the floor with jelly beans and bumping walls as they go. Shrieking joyfully and waving their stubby arms to catch my attention. A half-empty bowl of milk teeters on the countertop and crashes to the ground. Amidst shards of glass, kicking limbs in my arms, and drip-drops of milk on the stools, we laugh.

I absent mindedly brandish my chef's knife, crush potent garlic cloves under its weight, and toss sizzling flavor into my screaming pan. Six new orders catch my eye. Chef sees them too. Through the steamy haze, he barks something about slow knifes and still hands and I hastily turn back to my station. 7 o'clock, the dinner rush on Sunset is hardly over. Sweat drip-drops at my hairline, then joins tomato puree and pomegranate juice on my sleeve as I move to wipe my brow. I sigh at the clock, and then smile as my hands restart their work.

In any city, whomever I am with, I hope I will remember the 19 year old clattering away on her keyboard, terrified to choose. I hope she is who she's always wanted to be. I hope she lives exactly how she has always wanted to live. She will be happy. She will have settled for nothing and she will continue to reach for everything.

{write, read, share. publish}

be ok

"Often the most difficult times of our lives are essential building blocks that form the foundation of our character and pave the way to future opportunity, understanding, and happiness."
--Elder Uchtdorf

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mr. Sun?

Sorry I've been MIA since school started. I've thought of so many funnn posts. but never got around to publishing anything.

Well, well, What a lovely relaxing Sunday.

Tomorrow is the start of a brand new week. oh goooood :)

I'm excited but nervous, scared but thrilled all at the same time.

I'm happy :) I hope you're happy!

Oh &&& Mr. Sun.....

please shine down on me.

Monday, April 12, 2010

All my bags are packed I'm ready to go

BACK to school!
{9 months later}

It'll be great to be back in good ol' Rexburg, Idaho.

I'v missed you BYU-I!

I love my little room; it's fun to have {my very own} space all to myself. I moved in a few things this morning! It's so colorful, bright, & fun. :]

Classes start on.... Tuesday! Im soooooooo exiiiiited!

I'm taking: New Testament, Math, Childrens Lit, & Creative Writing. & I only have classes Tuesday & Thursday. Which leaves my Monday, Wednesday, Friday's open for studying, playing..... & I NEED a job! :/

Cant wait. Cant wait. Cant wait... to get started.

& as for everything else going in my life, Everyday is something new and good. I'm loving it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

So what'll it be?

“Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.” – Jack Brown

So what'll it be... a good, or bad day?

I say GREAT! :] I find myself being so incredibly happy lately.

I've been thinking & dwelling on this
particular subject as of late... & I've decided that being happy is entirely up to me. I can't depend on others to make me happy. I have to choose it, because that's what I want to experience in my own life.

I know its not always as easy as I'm making it sound to just "wipe that frown right up-side down," but changing from anger to joy is only a thought away :]

& I think... that being happy sounds, pretty good!

Friday I went to Salt Lake City with a friend of mine and toured the Missionary dept. in the Church Office Building. {super neat}
Temple Square was beautiful.
The weather was grand and the company was even "grander."

I loved Conference! It's great to have two days of instruction and counsel from prophets and apostles and other general leaders of the church. They have such powerful testimonies of the savior, Jesus Christ. I especially loved the inspiring music that added to the spirit in the meetings and to the Easter weekend.

I hope you all have a FANTASTIC week!
Remember to smile :]

Yours, jewelsy♥

Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello Spring, I just met you but I already love you

So Lately.... The weather has been beautimous.

I've reunited myself with my flip flops.
& i'm loving the sunshine.

There is so much to do, in order to be ready for school in three weeks.
{time to kick into gear, i think}
and YES I am soooo incredibly excited to move back to "the burg."

My weekend was simply marvelous.
How about yours?
I'm... just... so happy today :]

I hope you have an amazing day.

Love you all, have a great week!

yours, miss jewels

Monday, March 22, 2010

In a perfect world.

1. taco bell would be incredibly nutritious.
2. every day would be friday.
3. Freezing cold weather would not exist.
4. money really would grow on trees.
5. march would mean sunshine, instead of snowstorms.
6. the hair on my head would grow as fast as the hair on my legs.

7. life before 9:00 a.m. wouldn't exist.
8. there would be no such things as sinus infections.
9. romance would be as flawless as the movies.
10. shoes could be cute AND comfortable.
11. every word & phrase would be as cute as when my nieces and nephews say it.
12. mother would make salsa, daily.
13. fortunes cookies would come true. {the good ones}
14. my alarm clock would grow an arm, & wake me up with a back scratch.
15. men would man up, & ask girls out.
16. there would be no such thing as, late.
17. my room would clean itself.
18. zero/low calorie food would actually be enjoyable.
19. school would be easy. {oh i cannot wait 3 WEEKS!!!}
20. work, {9-5} would flyyyy bye.

*Emma & Abbie, Disney Land looked positively magical.
**I'm eager to meet baby Maggie.
***Kelly it's a girl, YEAH!
****Spring has sprung & I'm loving it.

Today was a good day if i do say so myself.
Thanks for stopping by :]
miss jewels

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Feeling lucky

"For each petal on the shamrock
This brings a wish your way -
Good health, good luck, & happiness
For today and every day"


Guess what? It's beautiful outside. {52°}

The office is a bit quiet this morning. Lori is out of town for the rest of the week, & Marv is in Mediation all day.

I having the office to myself.

So in preparation for Miley Cyrus's [a.k.a. Hannah Montana] newest movie The Last Song which comes out in theaters on 04.02.10, I started reading The Book last night by Nicholas Sparks. So far. So good. AND... I am not even ashamed, tee hee ;)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

yours, miss jewels

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


sometimes i am ambitious.

sometimes i am a dreamer.

sometimes i am motivated.

sometimes i am scared.

sometimes i am lonely.

sometimes i feel defeated.

sometimes I sit at work, and think too much.
Yours, miss jewels

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hello Monday.

"Some days it's best to just take a really. deep. breath... and remember that you have everything you need, and that you are exactly where you are meant to be."--izzie

(and if that doesn't work... there's always ice cream.)

Yours, miss jewels