Monday, March 29, 2010

Hello Spring, I just met you but I already love you

So Lately.... The weather has been beautimous.

I've reunited myself with my flip flops.
& i'm loving the sunshine.

There is so much to do, in order to be ready for school in three weeks.
{time to kick into gear, i think}
and YES I am soooo incredibly excited to move back to "the burg."

My weekend was simply marvelous.
How about yours?
I'm... just... so happy today :]

I hope you have an amazing day.

Love you all, have a great week!

yours, miss jewels

Monday, March 22, 2010

In a perfect world.

1. taco bell would be incredibly nutritious.
2. every day would be friday.
3. Freezing cold weather would not exist.
4. money really would grow on trees.
5. march would mean sunshine, instead of snowstorms.
6. the hair on my head would grow as fast as the hair on my legs.

7. life before 9:00 a.m. wouldn't exist.
8. there would be no such things as sinus infections.
9. romance would be as flawless as the movies.
10. shoes could be cute AND comfortable.
11. every word & phrase would be as cute as when my nieces and nephews say it.
12. mother would make salsa, daily.
13. fortunes cookies would come true. {the good ones}
14. my alarm clock would grow an arm, & wake me up with a back scratch.
15. men would man up, & ask girls out.
16. there would be no such thing as, late.
17. my room would clean itself.
18. zero/low calorie food would actually be enjoyable.
19. school would be easy. {oh i cannot wait 3 WEEKS!!!}
20. work, {9-5} would flyyyy bye.

*Emma & Abbie, Disney Land looked positively magical.
**I'm eager to meet baby Maggie.
***Kelly it's a girl, YEAH!
****Spring has sprung & I'm loving it.

Today was a good day if i do say so myself.
Thanks for stopping by :]
miss jewels

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Feeling lucky

"For each petal on the shamrock
This brings a wish your way -
Good health, good luck, & happiness
For today and every day"


Guess what? It's beautiful outside. {52°}

The office is a bit quiet this morning. Lori is out of town for the rest of the week, & Marv is in Mediation all day.

I having the office to myself.

So in preparation for Miley Cyrus's [a.k.a. Hannah Montana] newest movie The Last Song which comes out in theaters on 04.02.10, I started reading The Book last night by Nicholas Sparks. So far. So good. AND... I am not even ashamed, tee hee ;)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

yours, miss jewels

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


sometimes i am ambitious.

sometimes i am a dreamer.

sometimes i am motivated.

sometimes i am scared.

sometimes i am lonely.

sometimes i feel defeated.

sometimes I sit at work, and think too much.
Yours, miss jewels

Monday, March 15, 2010

Hello Monday.

"Some days it's best to just take a really. deep. breath... and remember that you have everything you need, and that you are exactly where you are meant to be."--izzie

(and if that doesn't work... there's always ice cream.)

Yours, miss jewels

Monday, March 8, 2010

What i love about spring...

blue skies.

light jackets.
shoes w/o socks.

& brief snow flurries... today?!
Mmmm, idaho you never disappoint!

Well, we are bunch of sickos over here today. get well soon us

Dallin & Will such well behaved little nephews.

back to work tomorrow... SOooo much to look forward to this weekend. bleh. :/

yours, miss jewels

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Mom & Michelle!

Hope you ladies have/had a
INCREDIBLE day!!! :]

♥ ♥ ♥