Saturday, February 27, 2010


Hope you all had a great February
& of course an excellent weekend!

March is here! Spring is slowly, but surely on its way.

ONE month before school starts.

So much to lose
So much to $ave
So much to do!

I cant wait to have EVERYONE home this up-coming weekend!

Love you!

Yours, Miss jewels♥

Friday, February 26, 2010


pLaN oF AtTaCk!!!

I'm at the law office util later this afternoon, Marv dictated a few documents that I had to type up. It's is all very interesting & it almost makes sense?! I wish I had of understood as much as i do now back in high school Government.
yep, that would have been nice.

After work... I'm driving up to Rexburg to visit with a counselor to get some sort of grad plan worked out, to be finished in Spring of 2011.
2 semesters down-- 3 to go.
College Graduate? me? YES ME!
The plan is an A.A. degree in English, with an emphasis in creative writing. Conveniently I have a few of my English/Writing credits finished from last year.

{Hmmm & then when I graduate I can get started on my mission papers in the spring, and send them in, in July 2011.} oh boyyy!

Anyways BACK to today...
Plasma Donation at 5:30=$30.00

&&& then it's the weekend, baby!
{I'm gonna have me some fun}

Love you all.

yours, miss jewels♥

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dear blog, Oh what a day

I kinda feel a little something like this, this morning. bleh.

I hope I feel something like this later on, Happy day♥

Dear today,
{feel better} soon.

Dear radio,
Thanks for singing to me.
{the office is a bit quiet this morning}

Dear Family,
I luhhhve YOU!

Dear friends,
Thanks for making me smile.
for checking up on me & entertaining me... always :]

Dear BioLife
Thanks for poking me yesterday.
{you are welcome for my plasma}

Dear eyebrows,

Dear Lunch,
{IM STARVING} grumble.grumble.

Dear Downeast,
{6-9 shift} go by quickly.

Dear Mother,
I ♥ you!
How bout a foot-rub & a chit-chat
{tonight after work}

Dear School,
I never thought i would say this, but
{I miss you} i really do.

Dear Snow,
go AWAY! {you are cold}

Dear office phones,
quit ringing!
{i only have two ears}

Dear tomorrow,
i know you'll be great.

Dear life,
i♥you.{but you already knew that}

yours, miss jewels♥

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

If Monday asked me to marry him I would

I found this picture & I liked it.
had slim-fast for breakfast.
sang along to glee “we all need somebody to lean on”, on the way to work.
{and I mean SANG}
I sat in the most comfortable NEW chair at the office.
wore sandles
I froze at my desk, sadly my space heater broke. (current temp: 62̊)
Ate an orange and an apple for lunch
Scheduled plasma donation appointments for Tuesday and Friday.
{im in the business of saving lives}
My continuing Ecclesiastical Endorsement has been approved.
{I may continue with registration at BYUI for spring semester May 12th}
went to a sentencing for one of our clients.
{he/she was so... GUILTY, haha}
ran office errands. Walked instead of drove.
{Swim suit seasons COMING?!!!}
drinking water like a fish today.
vacuumed and cloroxed the office.
Off work @ 5:00
Family home evening with the singles branch.
DVR “on the wings of love” oh the DRAMA.
Hit the gym with Kaylee.(30 min. elliptical, arms, abs, buns/legs.)
{I can already feel the BURN}

Hope you had a SNAZZY monday!

yours, miss jules

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I can feel it

Summer is coming.
Dear Sun,

an uh-mazing
loverly day.
i LOVE sundays.

{By the way}
I got a valentine
from Billings♥
last week.

♥ing the olympics.
I AM going to marry shaun white.

I went and saw grandpa after church today, He was chipper as can be :]

I hope you had one very beautiful weekend.

yours, miss jewels♥

Im back.
I've been a lame blogger lately.

Yours, miss jewels♥